Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Display Love Through Courage

Weisberg, a town has an old tower which crowns the fort and bears the name. " The Faith of Women". It is said that Emperor Conard Ⅱ besieged the fort, and its garrison surrendered with the condition that the women should be allowed to carry away with them their choicest possessions. The Emperor expected that they would carry with them their jewels and such treasuers as women are fond of. Imagine his surprise, when standing at the head of his army awaiting their exit, he saw every one of them carrying a husband, a son or a daughter, a brother, or a lover upon their shoulders.

Implication of this story: It is commonly believed that women are fond of jwels and other valuables. But in times of emergencies their valued possessions could be none other than their own husbands and children. Love and affection towards one another can never be measured. This can be felt only in crises.  

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